First off we had a new visitor to the ranch last Saturday. The way he was lying around and relaxing makes us pretty sure that he is related to Yogi and Boo Boo. The bear appeared mid-Saturday morning just across the way from our place. When first seen he was at the base of a Ponderosa pine and he appeared to be a black cow lying down. But once the dogs approached he stood up, looked around and then scrambled up the tree where he proceeded to take refugee. It is amazing how fast a bear can climb a tree. He covered twenty feet of that Ponderosa in just seconds. Then he proceeded to sit in the tree for several hours. No doubt he took a nice nap as he sat there nice and relaxed draped over those branches.
Another visit in the late afternoon revealed that he was down and had disappeared. A check of the area showed that he had been eating berries off of some bushes about 50 feet from the Ponderosa he climbed into.
Apparently he didn't go to far as the next morning we could see that he visited us during the night as he left some fresh scat on the roadway to the house. It looks like the dogs chased him away and he has not re-appeared but we're keeping a close eye out for him.

We've had some pretty good Monsoon rains this year. We haven't had any "gully washers" like we had several times last year. The rains we have had have been regular and they have been good "soaker" rains so things have turned green and everything looks refreshed and lush. The rains of course are always accompanied by thunder and lightening and this year it seems to have upset the animals more so than usual.
And speaking of animals I need to get the images of the chickens up for the chicken fans.

One of the "cute" Polish hens showing off her fancy feathered headdress.

A Bard Rock strutting around.

Busy looking for bugs - oh so yummy.
That's it for this evening. We have more images yet to post and hopefully we'll get things caught up by the end of this coming week.
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